Once again, for the 2024 – 2025 school year, school materials will be provided by Sharon Springs CSD. Through bulk purchasing and careful fiscal planning, our thoughtful Sharon Springs CSD Board of Education agreed that school supplies are part of the resources necessary to provide the conditions for each student to be successful!

If you or a family you know has needs beyond school materials, please reach out to Michelle Keaney (518 284-2266 or mkeaney@sharonsprings.org); she will confidentially and discreetly put you in contact with our generous Sharing and Caring program.

Have a wonderful summer!

Weekly Bulletin – Feb. 29, 2024

on February 29, 2024

purple outline of a soldier with a spartan helmet onSmall School – Big Effort
High Character – Huge Success

Weekly Bulletin – Feb 29, 2024

PDF Printable Version

District Calendar

Sports Schedule Updates

Principal’s Message

Tomorrow, March 1st, is the mid-quarter point of the third quarter. It is a great time to ask your child about what they are learning about in each subject and how well they are doing. If your child is in grades 6 – 12, ask them to show you their Schoology accounts, and ask for them to show you their grades in each subject. If you would like to sign into your parent account for Schoology and do not know how to, please email Mr. Reynolds: treynolds@sharonsprings.org.


Student Focus

Dear Families,

This week our school community focused on the character strength of Love of Learning. Love of learning means you master new topics on your own or in school.

Those with a love of learning are intrinsically motivated and engaged in a topic regardless of achieving an external standard. They enjoy learning simply for the sake of learning. They don’t need a prize of a high grade as a reward. Their reward is the process of doing the work and improving.

Developing a love of learning is highly beneficial for an individual. It means that they are intrinsically motivated to deepen their existing skills and abilities, or learn something completely new. Since intrinsically motivated action is correlated with positive emotions, those who act on their love of learning may also have enhanced mental and physical health. Additionally, individuals who love learning have the desire and ability to overcome challenges, due to a sense of autonomy and control over their environment.

To practice and encourage the character strength of love of learning with your child, please share with your child what you love to learn about and explain how you leverage your time, energy and resources to learn more about this topic!

Have a wonderful weekend!


FFA Members Compete in Pine Plains, NY

On February 24, SSCS FFA members traveled to Pine Plains, NY to compete in the District 2 FFA State Events and did an outstanding job. Receiving Honorable Mention for People in Agriculture Poster Board contestants were Lucas Perry, Madison Lynk, Jaxon Insogna, Payton Rullman and  for Jr. Creed Speaking was Sophia Insogna. Moving on to Sub-States in Jr. Prepared Speaking is Madison Lynk! Congratulations to them all. Special thanks to Mr. Cornwell and Mr. Strk who volunteered to assist in judging!

Seven students stand in a row in front of a window wearing FFA jackets.


Sub Supper – Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Class of 2025 will be selling tickets for the Sub Supper that will be held on Thursday, March 7. Order pick up will be from 3:00-5:00pm in the Al Doig Gymnasium (Small gym). See any junior class member for pre-sale tickets or email Randi Korona at rkorona@sharonsprings.org to place your order by Friday, March 1, 2024.


Community FocusA Service to the Sharon Springs Community

Sharon Springs Public Library Winter Hours for January, February and March are:
Monday 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Wednesday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm


Weekly Bulletin Submissions

SSCS will continue to produce this document each week as a service to the SSCS community. Similar to last year, classified ads, such as advertisements for the sale of items, help wanted ads, etc., will no longer be accepted.  Advertisements will only be accepted if it relates to a potential educational benefit for our students or it has the potential to benefit the Sharon Springs community. SSCS reserves the right to edit any submission. For consideration, please email by 3 p.m. on Tuesdays to weeklybulletin@sharonsprings.org.