SSCS is closed for Winter Break until Monday, Feb. 24. Have a great vacation!

Weekly Bulletin – April 11, 2024

on April 11, 2024

purple outline of a soldier with a spartan helmet onSmall School – Big Effort
High Character – Huge Success

Weekly Bulletin – April 11, 2024

PDF Printable Version

District Calendar

Sports Schedule Updates

Student Focus

Monday, April 15 is the start of the fourth and final quarter of the 2023 – 2024 school year (Report Cards for the 3rd Quarter will be mailed on April 19). We want to ensure each of our students have their best quarter. To carry out this goal, we encourage you to have clear and open communication with your child’s teacher(s).


Grades 3-8 ELA State Exams

Each spring, students take the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics tests in grades 3-8 and the Science tests in grade 8. These tests are used to measure how well students perform on New York’s Next Generation Learning Standards.  

This year all of our students will take the New York State Exam tests on a computer beginning April 16. Over the past few years, schools across New York have begun to give these state tests on a computer, and we are excited for our students to have that opportunity this year.       

Please note the following: 

  • Practice: Your child has had the chance to practice taking the test on a computer over the past several months. This has helped your child become familiar with the online testing format. 
  • Digital Readiness: Teachers continue to use technology in their everyday instruction as one way to ensure that students are prepared for success in a digital world, including computer-based tests. Our school has been preparing for students to have a seamless transition to computer-based testing, including our participation in a simulation of testing day.
  • Accommodations: If your child is eligible to receive accommodations for the New York State tests, he or she is eligible for accommodations for the computer-based test. Our staff will consult your child’s IEP to determine how accommodations are provided for your child on the computer-based test. Any questions regarding accommodations, you can reach out to Mr. Scimeca,

If you would like to learn more about the New York State 3-8 tests and the move to computer-based testing, see this New York State Education Department website ( If you have questions regarding the computer-based test, or about your child’s participation, please contact your child’s teacher(s).

State exams of this nature have been around a long time, and perhaps you remember taking them when you were a student.  State exam scores, while not directly counting toward your child’s quarterly grade, help individual teachers and our school district to determine how we are doing in helping your child meet the curriculum as set forth by NYS and make necessary adjustments to improve. 

“Big tests” are part of life, from passing Regents exams to be able to graduate high school, to advancing professionally by meeting the standards evaluated by certification exams. The more experience that one has with showing what they know and are able to do, the better their chances of performing well in the future.  

If you would like to discuss any of this information further, please do not hesitate to contact me at (518) 284-2266 or by email at Thank you for supporting our students’ success!


Principal’s Message

Dear Families,

At SSCS this week, we focused on the character strength of humor. Humor means you like to laugh and bring smiles to other people.

Humor is a sense of playfulness and lightness. It is a way of looking at and describing the world that brings laughter to people. A person with the strength of humor is skilled at seeing the funny side of things, bringing smiles and laughter to others, and identifying and communicating the absurdities in life. People with this strength don’t specifically need to be joke tellers, although many are.

Humor plays an important role in helping groups of people rise above difficult circumstances and boost morale. It removes us from our present difficulties by easing tension and making life more fun. This is why athletic teams often need a jokester to help them get through tough losses and early morning fitness sessions. On a larger societal level, humor often helps downtrodden groups to find cohesion and strength. This is why Simon Wiesenthal said, “Humor is the weapon of unarmed people: it helps people who are oppressed smile at the situation that pains them.”

To practice and encourage the character strength of humor with your child, please share with your child(ren) what makes you laugh.


Board Seat Available

Petitions for school board member are available in the District Office between the hours of 8:00 am and 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday. There is one five-year term seat currently held by Helen Roberts due to expire on June 30, 2024. Petitions require a minimum of twenty-five signatures of voters in the school district and must be returned to the District Clerk no later than 3:00 p.m. on Monday, April 22, 2024. All approved petitions will be submitted for voting at the Annual Budget Vote to be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 in the Auditorium Atrium of the school. For further information, please contact, Anthony DiPace, District Clerk at (518) 284-2266.


Talent Show

The SSCS Elementary Talent Show will be on Friday, April 26, 2024 at 8:20am in the school auditorium. We will recognize Students of the Month and Birthdays for April before the Talent Show. We are going to do things a bit different this year in hope of making the process smoother and better rehearsed.

The students should be thinking of what they want to perform in the Talent Show. Participation is completely voluntary! They have to practice at home and come prepared on Monday, April 15 to present their talent after school from 3:00-4:00pm  (If your child is not in our after school program, they will need to be picked up at 4:00 at the school). They should have an organized, rehearsed and/or choreographed routine. The routine should be less than 3 minutes. There are just a few basic guidelines, students cannot simply  lip sync to music or just move-around to a song. They really need to work on a well rehearsed presentation. (We are doing this after-school, preliminary-presentation to ensure a quality presentation, which also helps students feel less anxious about performing). We do not want anyone to feel pressured or have anxiety over performing. 

Printed permission slips were provided by your child’s teacher, and should be completed and returned to your child’s classroom teacher by Monday, April 15.

We will have two rehearsals after school on Monday, April 22 and Thursday, April 25 from 3:00-4:00pm. (If your child is not in our after school program, they will need to be picked up at 4:00 at the school).

We look forward to seeing your child present their talent. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Baker, or Ms. Laier,


The Salvation Army Long Point – FREE Summer Camp

FOR: Students ages 6-12 years old

WHEN: July 24-29 or August 1-6. Each camping session is 6 days, 5 nights and welcomes approximately 190 children.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Children sleep in large cabins that accommodate twelve campers, two counselors, and one support staff member in each unit. Cabins are equipped with indoor toilets and showers.

HEALTH CARE: Long Point Camp operates a health center 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide appropriate and necessary care for children and staff. All care is approved by a physician and the New York State Health Department. When additional care is needed, the local doctor’s office and hospital are available.

SUPERVISION: Children will be supervised by counselors and program staff at all times. Staff members are carefully screened and required to complete an orientation and training program prior to the start of the camping season.

CANTEEN: All children will receive a snack and drink from the Canteen each day at no cost. Parents may send money with the campers to purchase a variety of additional camp merchandise: camp shirts, blankets, stuffed animals, etc.

ACTIVITIES: Camp activities include swimming, low ropes course, arts & crafts, fishing, canteen, evening programs, hiking, outdoor living/camping, kayaking, music, sports and recreation, archery, and other activities. Because we are a Christian camp, children will also be encouraged to participate in Christian education, devotions, prayers and a worship service.

Please visit The Long Point Camp Website for more information and directions for registration. Spots fill up quickly so sign up early. Brochures also available at the SSCS Front Desk.

Long Point Camp
100 Long Point Road, Penn Yan, NY 14527
Phone: (315) 559-1235


Welcome Casino Night!

Welcome to a night at The Casino! The Class of 2025 is hosting the Junior Prom this year on Saturday, May 4, 2024 from 7-11 pm in the Coach Doig Gym. Tickets will be on sale during the high school lunch period and can be purchased until April 19. Any student in grades 9-12 is welcome to attend. The cost of a ticket is $25 for an individual and $50 per couple. Formal attire is a requirement, so dress to impress!


Let’s Get Ready for Kindergarten

If you or someone you know has a child that will be turning 5 years old on or before December 1, 2024, please forward and/or complete the incoming kindergarten survey using the link below.

The data from this survey will help the district plan for your child’s educational needs and class sizes for the fall. Even if you are undecided at this time about enrolling your child, please complete the form and state that in the comment section so we can have an accurate census record.

Additional questions? Please contact Ashley Puding by phone at (518) 284-2266 ext 114 or by email at


Community Focus – A Service to the Sharon Springs Community

Sharon Springs Public Library Winter Hours for January, February and March are:
Monday 10:00am-6:00pm
Tuesday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Wednesday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday 10:00am-6:00pm
Friday 1:00pm-6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-1:00pm

Book Giveaway

Saturday April 20, 10:00am-4:00pm
Sharon Springs Free Public Library

Fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, music CDs are free for a donation.

Drop off your unwanted Eclipse Glasses to the Sharon Springs Public Library before April 26th for recycling.


Computers Available

All-in-One computers available from the school. If your household qualifies for free or reduced school lunch and you would like a computer for your household, please contact Tom Reynolds at or (518) 284-2266.


Weekly Bulletin Submissions

SSCS will continue to produce this document each week as a service to the SSCS community. Similar to last year, classified ads, such as advertisements for the sale of items, help wanted ads, etc., will no longer be accepted.  Advertisements will only be accepted if it relates to a potential educational benefit for our students or it has the potential to benefit the Sharon Springs community. SSCS reserves the right to edit any submission. For consideration, please email by 3 p.m. on Tuesdays to