Once again, for the 2024 – 2025 school year, school materials will be provided by Sharon Springs CSD. Through bulk purchasing and careful fiscal planning, our thoughtful Sharon Springs CSD Board of Education agreed that school supplies are part of the resources necessary to provide the conditions for each student to be successful!

If you or a family you know has needs beyond school materials, please reach out to Michelle Keaney (518 284-2266 or mkeaney@sharonsprings.org); she will confidentially and discreetly put you in contact with our generous Sharing and Caring program.

SSCS Talent Show Information

on April 10, 2024

talent show logo

SSCS will present the annual student Talent Show on Friday, April 26 during Morning Program beginning at 8:20 a.m. in the auditorium We are going to do things a bit different this year in hope of making the process smoother and better rehearsed.

Students should be thinking about what they’d like to perform in the Talent Show. Participation is completely voluntary. Students should practice at home and come prepared on Monday, April 15th to present their talent after school from 3-4 p.m. They should have an organized, rehearsed and/or choreographed routine all ready to go. All routines must be less than three minutes.

There are just a few basic guidelines: students cannot lip sync to music or simply dance to a song. They really need to work on their presentation. We taking this extra step because there are many times that once students have to perform in front of their peers they change their mind. We do not want anyone to feel pressured or have anxiety over performing.

Two after school rehearsals are scheduled for Monday, April 22nd and Thursday, April 25th from 3-4 p.m.

Please complete and return the permission form that was sent home to your child’s teacher by Monday, April 15th. We have to adhere to deadlines to prepare for the Talent Show. If they attend the After School Program they will be returned home as usual. If they are not in the After School Program, they will need to be picked up after rehearsal at 4 p.m. at the school.

We look forward to seeing your child present their talent. If you have any questions contact Mrs. Baker, dbkaer@sharonsprings.org  or Ms. Laier, alaier@sharonsprings.org.

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