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Elementary Students Showcase Creativity at Cardboard Challenge

on May 31, 2024

two boys in a cardboard boat with paddles

More than 30 SSCS elementary school students participated in the Cardboard Challenge in May. The Cardboard Challenge gives K-5 students the opportunity to share their creativity, using cardboard to create amazing things from animals to forts. The challenge is a great way to partner with parents too, in a fun way.

“I really love how excited the students get about this,” said SSCS teacher Anne Laier, who coordinated this year’s event. “I have heard them talking about it since the beginning of the school year. I really like to see the creativity and the excitement.”

Their projects were displayed in the New Gym May 30 and SSCS parents and staff had an opportunity to walk around and view our students’ work. Great job everyone!

View many more photos of the Cardboard Challenge on the SSCS Facebook page

two boys with their cardboard display

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