Once again, for the 2024 – 2025 school year, school materials will be provided by Sharon Springs CSD. Through bulk purchasing and careful fiscal planning, our thoughtful Sharon Springs CSD Board of Education agreed that school supplies are part of the resources necessary to provide the conditions for each student to be successful!

If you or a family you know has needs beyond school materials, please reach out to Michelle Keaney (518 284-2266 or mkeaney@sharonsprings.org); she will confidentially and discreetly put you in contact with our generous Sharing and Caring program.

AD/Coach Smith Named Certified Athletic Administrator by NIAAA

on April 16, 2024

AD Coach Chris SmithCongratulations to SSCS Athletic Director and Coach Christopher Smith who was recognized this spring by the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association (NIAAA) as a Certified Athletic Administrator.

To earn this distinction, Smith has demonstrated the highest level of knowledge and expertise in the field of interscholastic athletic administration. The voluntary certification process included a thorough evaluation of the candidate’s educational background, experience, and professional contributions, as well as a rigorous, comprehensive written examination.

Smith is one of an elite group of interscholastic athletic administrators nationwide to attain this level of professionalism.

The NIAAA is an accredited organization and is the professional organization for interscholastic athletic administrators. Based in Indianapolis, Indiana, the NIAAA’s mission is to provide professional development options for directors of athletics, and to enhance the athletic administration profession. With a current individual membership of over 12,000, the NIAAA consists of member state athletic administrator associations in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, as well as internationally.

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